PhotoGadgetry4Girls (and Others) aka the small things that make me a happy photographer #1
It’s amazing how little things can make such a big difference to a photographer. Yes, I bought a Nikon D4s this year, and yes it cost a...

What Does It Take To Be A Star?
One of the most surprising aspects of my work with Enlightened Media is the success and enjoyment I'm getting out of training, be it...

A Warm Welcome To Peter
Once in a while you come across someone you feel you're just meant to work with - and happily it happened to me recently. I booked in to...

Kenya: Why It's Still The Place To Be This Summer
When you look beyond the headlines there are more reasons than ever to visit Kenya this year! For a start, crowds are down, because of...

What Is Seeing A Wild Gorilla Worth?
I often find myself in conversation justifying the cost of gorilla trekking permits, and I've come to a simple answer: the fee we pay...

Africa's Big Five & Beyond
An invitation for you! I'm hosting an evening presentation on my journey into wildlife photography at Travel Bureau in Newcastle, and...

Image courtesy of Peter Haygarth and Droneflight Forgive all the exclamations in the title, I'm excited!!! I've just passed my final...

World Lion Day: Hope and Heartbreak
It's World Lion Day today! So it seems an appropriate time to release Part 2 of my film 'Lions: Saving A Species'. You can watch both...

Celebrating Our Red Kites!
What a hectic couple of months it’s been – tying up the spring run of Living World, running a brilliant week-long Wildlife Video Pioneers...

Adders, Adrenalin & Unblinking Red Eyes
I've never found myself alone in the wild, face down in bracken, and staring into a red, unblinking snake eye before, but for Radio 4's...